clanmovie project

im free to get some nice clan(ec+ prefered) to make a movie for
pm @ irc or xfire if interested
no lowbies thx :s
fuck u low- skilled moviemaker:DDDDDDDDDDD
but you are high ;o )
I heard is searching for one
They are as skilled in ET as klejf in moviemaking. ;)
quote of the year
sounds like a perfect match then?
Another movie?
Snake - The movie in progress !!!
k, NOT :<
After your last project and all the whine, i doubt anybody will take you, but gl anyway.
his edditing parts were very good, only synchronizing wasnt great, size and config, the rest was far from worst
Did I say anywhere that he's a bad moviemaker?? anyway I didn't mean it as an offense, sorry if somebody got it wrong.
you said, you doubt anyone would take him cause of all whine, whine equals bad movie making,
ye in comment #8
clan Germany team-beta / riZe is searching for a moviemaker
Yeh, like sts already said, team-Beta / riZe-gaming :p

Pm pumu!
if you have great frags and want them to be spoiled with awful movie, this is your chance!
like you would have a clue of moviemaking..
I dare to say I have a decent knowledge of ET moviemaking.
man there are only a couple of guys making movies today and klejf is a nice guy that makes pritty nice movies...
especially the aCozZ movie is imo pritty well done...
if you dont like his style... ok... but posting such shit is unfair
aCoZz movie has like the best frags for a while but the movie doesn't make them enjoyable
needless to say that the color correction is ugly and encoding sux hard
i disagree in every point...
i m tired and bored of the standard color shit...
this one brings something new...
the only bad thing is that some areas are too dark...

frags are awesome and i encoding was good...
man HD is here, 55 mb /min are not terrible...
a bit much but still ok
zaigon medium quality was 28,3mb/min and much better quality than this
(it was HD too) and this has a lot of encoding bugs
the encoding sux, you can disagree but you are wrong

the colors are of personal taste yes, but imo it's ugly when some parts are whole black and some shine like the sun. this is IMO, some people may like it.

the music is random boring rock songs all the time, frags are mostly not synced (even with hitsounds) and the overall feeling is very boring instead of entertaining like it should be in a gaming movie.

for example Tiigeri movie (by julianK) is 1000x more entertaining even though the frags aren't prolly as great as aCoZz's
another example of an ET movie with entertaining atmosphere is zaigon (by hannes).
suck up a little more, fanboi
funny thing in that journal: all the guys that aint have a shit of a clue of moviemaking have the biggest mouth
rather sad than funny
Team-ND / Team BETA :F
klejf dont do it

-Sincerely ET-Scene
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