im a verry

sexy bitch ok thx bb
wanne make a team for cdc4?
dont hear of you but good luck :)

greetz, sadik
hi2u loeki, i guess its just a retard, look at his pic roflzzzz
ofc only highskilled!!!111

i'm high+++ and you?
hmmm i dunnow either
i am not cheater
i am just et fan and watch ettv
geez you watch ettv like 90% of the whole et comm 2 :D
damn it :<

btw can i be your fanboi then?
what u want
i say i dont know this guy but i say gl...
pls not intel :'< let's take amd or someone other :>
hrhr i lollerkinoed ,,,, :D
hell yeah bill has enough many so who cares that i use ubuntu :X
noooooo pls don't be so hard to me :<
pls add me !!!1111 and why is it hard for you?
lol but i'm a n1 german :D
dunno who the fuck he is but he keeps pming me with "hey who is ur favourite rapper?" n stuff like that.
i want know you :(
i dont have a problem with u either. but if u try to "natz" me.. then u will "schmatz" something u know :DDDDD
i think ur just a fakeacc and want to joke around abit so go on :)
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