Event Horizon

Just found an old movie on my harddisk:

event horizon, so old and so good. the ship travelled into another dimension and then it came back..

watch it if you havent seen it so far, its classic horror/thriller movie:

trailer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ALtKNXELhg0
nice movie
havent seen it.
i love horror movies in general so i might dl this one.
great movie & there already is a new digitally remastered version zlolz
Gotta love black holes and general relativity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_horizon
ive only seen event horizon 2 and 3
thats a fragmovie afaik
quake3 trickjumping movie.

greetz, sadik
I loved the ambience of this movie :]
still a great movie :)

xfire war ja schon immer scheisse aber langsam mutiert es hier echt zum asylanten treff
du sprichst weise worte, die könnten von mir stammen.
saw this on tv once, nice film :)
shit movie
not rly one of my favs :-/ but still a good movie :)
kein wunder ... ist ja auch kein porno
yea i can remember i was watching it...it was a great movie imo, i watched it with pleasure.
Event Horizon is evil movie! Couldn't sleep almost one year after saw it! Stimm thought i will die at night while sleeping
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