01-18-08 (slo)

woot imo
saw that trailer already. its like blair witch project with godzilla.

isnt it from the producer of lost?
who cares about the producer of lost :O
lost ownz. if its from the same guy that movie might own aswell u know!
I stopped watching after the 2nd serie of lost :< We belgians were too poor to send the 3rd serie =< boo
hmm thats hard. im not saying its the best series ever but i like to watch it because its entertaining and it isnt boring :D
nice trailer :) (i like the amateur cam pov)

seems to be some new monster film yes, but godzilla? i dont know...there was already a new king kong film (1 or 2 years ago ?) and a new godzilla film (in 2000 i think) so what could be the next?
schindlers list page 2
cool, gonna watch it
maybe its bird or maybe its plane... No its Assassin!
QuoteIs this a Godzilla remake/sequel/etc.?

NO! J.J. Abrams has stated this is not a prequel, sequel, remake, etc. The monster will be original, and have nothing to do with other previously created monsters.
NICE, u busted be. It will be some uber big fat HEIDENREICH who gonna spam the whole city and start a monster flamewar with the police n stuff. nice destroying my secrets rly.
first they thought humM3l and fireball would fit great in that movie. some tagteam uberownage. but after i totally detroyed them they called me and now i gonna play the uber norris pwner.
Nice trailer :)
nah its just miky maus.
its a giant squirrel
sqzz destroying new york? :<
and stealing candy D:
Looks great.
that fucking looks awesome-o
Always interested to see something new from jj, and actually this trailer is best i've seen in a while
old + sexeh
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