London XP

Maybe the 99% of the community wont care but i am back from London.
It was a great time (everyone need to visit it once) with some bad
and ofc more good experience. It wasnt a long planned trip,i went only
because my mom got sick :( . My father and me went for my brother (who
is a scout) to the Jamboree. We have spent 3 days in London and 2 in
Northampton @ my father's secondary school m8...

Day 1

Arriving to Luton, travel by bus to London, Victoria Station.
Weather was a big surprise. We caught the best time i think,
only sunshine, no black clouds! After we put our luggages to
Edward House (the hotel) we went to a pub first. What else can
be better than a cold Guinness?

Walking to Buckingham Palace and after some photos, crossing
St. James Park (This park is the best place i have ever seen
for a romantic walk. What a pitty i went with my father :S)
At the park i met with a squirrel lol. He isnt playing at evolve
its true but i bet he was 100 times more cute!

Uhhhmmm too much to write suddenly... Okee-dokee... Let the pix talk!

image: 1
me and squirrel @ St. James Park

image: 2
big ben and big trev

image: 8
me and teh supersonicuberpro scout bro

image: 3
i donno where lol

image: 4
tube... 12 line? niiiiiice!

image: 10
some italien food. sorry guys but english pudding sux!

image: 9
trafalgar square

image: 6

image: 7
northampton and the best player ever

image: 5

Well in all it was a great time! But guuuuuys!!! rly...
english girls are rude! i mean ofc have some beautiful but
for example @ Budapest we have 100 times more nice girls!
(if not 1000 times)

bibuy! thx for ur attention!
welcome back, nice pics, nice story. :D
hi2u2 :DDDD sup?
hey trev :)
CB/ESL ban for the last picture imo
i m not cheating there!
That purple/dark blue box by your knees could be a laptop, and everyone can see by the expression on your face that you are hiding something, thats enough proof for me.
And I think Bulldog will agree with me when I submit this to him.

Nice selfbust!
Woho, my first real bust!
english girls are rude! i mean ofc have some beautiful but
for example @ Budapest we have 100 times more nice girls!

never knew that sqzz was so small.
your meeting with sqzz looked cool
you met United Kingdom sqzz omg u my fanboi :<
wb, seems like it was a nice trip according to the pics :)
you obviously didnt see the best of london :P
wtf!? squirrels are the best of london!
we had very nice sunny weather over the weekend! now its just raining in London =( looks like you had a good time! you could of visited me tho!!
it was a fire trip :( next time we gonna party! :)
:D csak most néztem meg ezt a Journalt, hiztál 1 kicsit és levágattad a hajad? :)
Jó képek =]
Utolsóhoz meg no comment :D
hajat igen, de már lassan 2 éve ugyanannyi kiló vagyok szal hizásról nincs szó :P sajnos :P
heeeeeeeeey :D
Finally ur back, i was starting to miss ya m8. :)
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