Horde > Alliance

Horde is cool and though.
Alliance is so gay.

Horde ftw.


ps; I play on Chromaggus (EU) btw
i dont play WoW and i dotn agree since i dont care but let the discussion start.

WoW sucks
ofc ally is gay!

what chars u have?
me 70 tank + 43 priest
eh my bro bough Wow he has 70 Rogue + 47 dr00d.
I dont play that often. I have a 36 Warrior.
Worst game ever made
Its not really my game either thats why i rarely play. I just hate leveling, just to put time in it to get as good as the rest.
But i think the pvp is pretty nice especially Arena with your own team.
Besides that i think many people dont know much about WoW and they just say it sux. :p I did that too.
I dont get it how someone can think a game is fun when the only thing that separates the "good" from the "bad" players is on how much time they spend on getting a good gear.
And if two equally good, players with equal gear from the same class battle eachother, the winner will be the lucky guy who gets the most critical hits.

Fucking piece of crap game.

Pokémon > World of Warcraft
Pokémon > ALL :DD
Not 100% true

Playing grab ass with Vindicator > Pokémon > all
Ye when i played WoW the only thing i enjoyed was PvP and owning instances with friends. Levling is the last thing on earth i would do right now :D
anyway, alliance > horde
alliance > horde
alliance are gay
What is wow?
i like wow, but nooooooooooooooo time for rl then, so no wow.

horde owns
Horde>Alliance tbh
Saying that one side is gay and other is not gay is so wrong, because game itself is gay (no offence to homosexual people).
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