Yellow thingy on yawn [Flame allowed]

What does this mean?
"The punkbuster guid is known to other game communities/leagues."

Does it simply mean that s/he is a registered user at some other community or that he is a known cheater?
it mean that the one was a cheater and is busted
that his punkbuster guid is known as cheater guid in communities
it means that your guid is known to some league o cup or something
like xfire or cb or esl.
It means the punkbuster guid is known to other game communities or leagues.
Y'know, I think he already figured that out :P
its leads you to a crossfire account, just kick around
no you all are wrong, it means that you will die soon
enjoy your live till it comesXDDDDDDDDDDDdd
ok this must be the meaning of the yellow thingie
registered @ crossfire and pbguid entered
Means they know you're my bitch, hide while you still can!
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