
So apparerntly this is my journal,dont know really what to say here,im an Et player have been since day 1,dont seem to get any better no matter what i do,but them again i dont really try tbh,i tend to just run in and get killed.

I suppose if i camp like most peeps i would have a higher Splat rateing,but hey who cares,i know there are lots of ppl out there that consider ratings all important.i dont,those of you that know me,know that 1 on 1 i an kinda of good.

Oh and just so you know im -=[MC]=-P4IN of the midnight club clan,we share our server with SPK,you know the server as Midnight spikage.

I started my ET career as dummy,playing on an american server,=DoW=,i soon rose thru the rants to become clan leader,becoming =DoW=Majorpain,my name has changed a little since then altho keeping the same theme,we played in TWL and as leader i took us to 3rd place in the 6v6 ladder,interest started to wane tho and i found myself looking for a uk clan to join,endind up where i am now,1 of 3 head admins on Midnight spikage,and a Pb streaming admin.

I have for my part,tryed to keep ET clean,got lots of bans to my name,and ill keep fighting against cheating pricks for as long as need be.
No, fuck off.

'loads of bans to my name' selfbust? :D

I think people have a good idea who you are from that lol journal you made the other night, that one when you couldn't use the reply button :<
Lol,poor old panda,cant get over him self,so l33t he hacked his way to stardom.
How else could have I gotten so far? :< oh noes

Besides, i'm alot better @ LAN :<
wtf hapened to mc server is nonstop empty 5 months ago it was always full played there evry night had fun too.
btw are jou sure that celeric dont tax
this is interresting tell me more!
JIMMEHHHH!!!!1 :o)
<3 that 1, where he pwns teh nigger ^^
rofl man rofl :D
i lold

go suck a monkeycock
Hot stuff
Hi man! gl W:ET <3
pixelsex ftl

Pain you got to stop posting here, it's just not for you
so whats ur point?
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