Transformers !!

image: transformers2007vv6

Just saw it yesterday.
Was a really amazing movie with nice effects...looking forward to the 2nd part
Really looked good in the first half then it kinda got sucky, but the effects were great and the girl was hot at least.
oh yes she was
n1 movie but at some parts, it was a bit confusing, especially during fights ;)
It was an OK action flick, but personally I'd much rather have seen them develop the back stories of the Autobots and Decepticons more, I usually enjoy that part more than the fighting and world peril aspects. I suppose, though, that's true of most films I watch: I'd have happily sat through 2 hours of spiderman discovering his powers for instance.

Anyway, my favourite scene of the movie has to be when the Autobots veritably own the escorting agents, it almost brought a manly tear to my eye.
1408 > transformers
I really liked that film as well, cusack seems to play those kinds of characters well. The ending, however, was kind of weak: he seemed to change completely way too fast, I realise that he became hardened to the rooms tricks, but the throwing of the alcohol and then the lighting of the cigarette seemed way too close to something you'd see in a comic book, maybe it's just Stephen King.

One thing that bugged me in that film was the short development on the history of the room: how it got that way, why it got that way, etc.
true at the history of the room and that's why I think the movie sorta sucked.
Yeah, I found the scenes at the beginning with Samuel Jackson to be the best in the movie; but then, that might just be because Samuel Jackson is fucking awesome.

"I'm sick of these motherfucking ghosts in my motherfucking room!"
True. Samuel can carry parts of a movie, even if it has no depth at all. Just his charismatic presence, the way he brings his lines and the non-verbal communicative skills he has. One of the best actors of the last few decades and present time imo.
You'd think by now he would have been typcast as something, but he continually pops up in roles that you would never have expected him to play, let alone pull of in a way that makes you want to keep watching.
exactly. I was actually bummed out that his role in deep blue sea was so abruptly taken by a cgi shark ffs. cuz he was the only one that could've made that movie more than just your regular actionflick. Though he has done some dodgy stupid films such as snakes on a plain
I'll take possibly hitting a pile of dog shit while sifting through diamonds over the opposite, for most days of the week, tuesday is the day I do the skatman!
if that is a quote of one of his movies, forgive me for not remembering which :P
No, I just meant that I'd rather that he made a few shit films amongst the greats, than do what most actors seem to enjoy, make no greats at all. The skatman thing is just my own personal fetish, and tuesday seemed like a good day for a fetish.
but it's wednesday.

and yes, he's forgiven his few crap movies :P
Well observed, but Tuesday will come around again; actually, it seems to occur roughly every seven days.
really? fuck, now I have to redesign my calendars again :(
Or you could create a No Tuesdays cult, and use it as an excuse for all sorts of morallly dubious deeds.
Hmmm.. but if there is no more tuesdays it would be the end of your skatman days :<
I would celebrate the festival of the skatman daily, with glee!
anyways, it was a good movie
john mclaine would beat them
Why,btw, they made nowadays a movie 'transformers'. They're pretty old
Because there's money in it.
true, but why they didn't make one earlier? It would be more attractive to go when the tranformers where new.
I guess that'd be a complicated issue, but I couldn't say for sure. Probably something to do with movie execs thinking it wouldn't be profitable, the availability and cost of special fx, the market not being ready. Basically it would come down to how much money could be made, but how you get there is anyones guess.
I'll collect my trophy tommorow ;<
Sure you will!
is chuck norris in it?
no, but a hot chick!
much better :D
its was a good movie.
telletubbie > transformers
transformers? yeah my 12years old brother liked it too
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