I need help!

So i tried to boot my computer today.. but somehow it won't boot any further then the windowsxp loading screen.
I can boot in safe mode, but not in last known working config.
Anyone got any solution for this (except reinstall cuz i really dont wanna do that)
As far as i know my cmoputer was working fine yesterday..

So please is there anyone that knows how to fix this?
did you install any applications? did you delete any files? for how long is windows now running w/o reinstall?
had same problem i just booted in safemode then restarted went in bios did a save restarted and then it was fine
Okay.. i just remember it gave some IRC error yesterdaywhen i turned the comp off. So i uninstalled irc in safe mode and now its working again :D

Thanx anyway :)
Format ur PC and dont piss us off with ur problems.
if you even knew she was a girl you would have been nice
no, i dont give a fuck.
Yea im pretty much of a gay. U got a Problem with it?
So basically, you're asking us to give you a solution based only on the information that it was fine before it broke? It was probably those damn jews.
And He can't stop our love!
boot in safe mode and uninstall irc, should work
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