A level results

God if you're reading this journal make tomorrow the apocalype not much too ask for, thanks.
I can't actually fail cause i'm not that stupid but not getting the grades I want is a completely different matter :P
uk education system is a funny thing
you can get on clearing now you know, loads of courses related to my first choice so thats good news...i think.
for me it's AAB/AAA for medicine anything else most likely means bio med for 3 YEARS then 4 years of medicine if i'm willing to put up with that. Also the other options are just like failure -_-'
got a mate in the same situation...I need ABB for electronic engineering, pretty sure I've not got an A though :/
See this is where I am sure to fail, because I have no idea what I want to do I'm just going to take Maths, Physics, English Lit, Psychology (for AS, drop at A2, advice from mztik).

Would this fuck me over bad style? I have maybe two weeks to sort my options out. Halp me :(.
Well of course it depends on what uni course you want to take, but they seem like pretty solid choices. You cant go wrong with maths and physics. Psychology is a good idea for an AS course, since its piss easy (so i hear) and you'll inevitably have to drop one AS level anyway.
Maths and physics come naturally to me, it's just how I think... using logic, solving puzzles, figuring out theories and whatnot. A quick survey of everyone to ever be on the same ventrilo server reveals that my memory is comparitive to that of a goldfish.

Maths/Physics are logic, less memory and writing/reading is something I enjoy, hence Literature.

Psychology I know nothing about but seems rather interesting for an AS.
note to meez. i did psych for as and dropped it for a2 - its interesting and all but the exam is alllllll about memory like seriously you need toremember shit loads
Ah, I knew it, Mztik was definitely lying to me.
to sum it up you basically learn case studies like more than 50 then you are expected to remember the names of the people leading them, the dates and the key facts and you get more points for pulling more names and studies n. its basically a test of memory
I never learnt any of the names only rough statistics and using phrases like the "majority" and "studies recently carried out or in the past" you don't need names/dates/exact percentages and i've got an A in AS psych.
what board did you take your exam with?


reading through the examiners guide for my course and also after doing the mock, you'd get no where without pulling in the keys facts like names etc
Best of luck to you Mztik.
Weird only a day apart with the Irish exam results, gL Mztik
Good luck Mztik, I'm sure you did fine :D

What's your first choice uni?
doesn't matter I got denied at all of them :P
how do you know..ucas has updated o.0
i knew that around may i'd been given a response by all my unis what you mean?
oh i thought you meant you faild the grades for your firm and insurance. are you going through clearing
i'll probably give it a shot but medicine through clearing is a bit far-fetched :P and only if i've got 3As
what else will you do? also, someone aiming for three a's normally doesnt get six declines, what happened?
medicine is competetive happened :P
Take a gap year and apply again next year, if you get the grades - they're unlikely to all turn you down if they can give you an unconditional imo...
omg my second nuked post today, my mom will be proud
so??? any results allrdy???
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