strange invites

why is this team : eSuba direct invite and muse (second link)
and some much more skilled teams not?

sorry for the proxy link btw

im banned for 19 times woehoe attentionwhore

it seem to have slipped my mind... why they got invited.. such a conspiracy
Many things slip your mind fuchs, retard.
stable teams ftw
if i would be a lan admin, i would like to see big names like eSuba on my lan too.

+ they are far away from lowskill, so whats the prob :x
why should u invite some new built teams or haxxerteams if there are some more stable and clean clans out there.
well, if they are stable they will win the qualifiers anyway. So u have not to be scared that much about a no-showUP or droput.

There is too much kiddy whine about it.
sT since 2005 and placed qualifiers?
check lineupchanges, still they were blamed of hax very often(not by me), or in which cup they showed they are active lately?, exactly what i said.
Why do we live and who is god?
I dont seem to understand this .. lineup changes etc atleast 10 of those invited teams are new/inactive/big lineup changes.. some are just made for this LAN

sock show some love for teh man
fuchs just tell me in which cup do u showed bsturz 6-6 is active lately, sry if im wrong but i thought bsturz is inactive....(summercup dropout, i cant see you in any 6-6 1day cup)
btw why are u whining if u are active, u will easily win qualifiers.... :O

cya @ enschede then!
Please... stop the whine man. Win your qualifier, book your flights and cya at lan :/
But's it's easier to defend not coming to the LAN afterwards if you whine about the invites/qualifiers! I understand the whine. Really. GL! ;)
Hey, why don't you care? If you are so good, you are going to win your qualifiers easily... as a pracc... read LoTiX's comment on "CDC3 Invites/Qualifiers' :)
Please i said i dont care and now i get another comment about we win easy :P haha
If you don't care, don't post these kind of comment! :P
?? i'm not whining about us at qualifer haha
I said simple facts i dont really care about us beein in the qualifer but simple if others do i tell them my opinion and flying dj how old are you suppose to be i dont get it.. sad
flying DJ just grow up your the idiot here trying to flame all the time i dont see it get a fuckin social life or are you just to fuckin stupid to do that aswell
you are acting like a 12 years old kid.
Why i'm i acting like the kid when i type something about
teams beein inactive and i get a reply that i'm brainless explain me that to a guy i've never ever spoken too
IMO u r blind, eSuba ( infrag ) have 6 player with a lot of experience OC Prem. div. minimum skill, stable clan with more than 2 years existence, i think its ok for direct invite.

butch = CZE WC,NC captain
Loo = oldschool RTCW/ET player , a lot of exp., NC,WC player
hellish = -||-
Alexzoo = best cze rifle player , NC,WC player
nindrt = aimer, oldschool, NC player
Brs = aimer

nonsense topic.
registered since 9 months.
too bad you never heard of those teams, since they are existing longer than your xfire account
Quoteim banned for 19 times woehoe attentionwhore

maybe look how much times im getting banned

EDIT: ofcourse ive heard of these teams
but there are much better teams in the qualifiers than for example muse and eSuba
i dont say eSuba isnt skilled but less skilled than some others who are in qualifiers
muse ownz
we as 2o2 couple at warsow 2 :D:D:D:D:D

omg 06er account ...
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