Any trillian users here?!

image: 1847_Trillian-Pro-Logo
I've just created a group of trillian users @ xfire!!
If you want to join, just pm..
What is trillian, what is meaning of life, is seilori gay?
trillian: ; meaning of life is knowing that you always have something you want ; who's seilori?! =P
I remember I tried this program for like 5 years ago and I hated it then. Tried it again last year and hated it again! :D
everyone have to have something he/she likes or hates.. well, I'm using trillian more than 5 years and i like it..=)
True. I really liked the idea of combining ICQ and MSN plus some other random chatprograms. But the program itself doesn't fullfill ut, and the design of the program is terrible. :o)
I either don't like the standard skin of trillian, that's why i'm using ucci.. there are a lot of skins.
I'm using trillian but i don't wanna join so many senseless groups :p
you can join extremewannabestyleretards if you want
i dont like it :/
more clans....
I've tried it, but it's so short on functions etc. Bottom line, it doesn't replace mirc or wlm or whatever other programs you're using.
trillian 4tw...

no sucking function only chat, nice!
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