TFT info

Hi lads, -->

Now I see a version without DVI after the product name, and one with DVI behind it.
What does this mean? That the others without dvi behind it only have VGA ?
Monitor: HP L1706 19"inch 75 hz take that 1 is rly rly rly rly nice!!!
ben jij allowed voor cdc3? :S als saken niet mag spelen dan mag jij denk ik ook niet of wel? :P
lol ik wel hoezo niet? ik heb niet gecheat en ben ook niet gebust ofzo:D

dat ben jij en je broertje maar ook al heeft je broertje het gedaan jij word ook gebanned
without checking the link I guess the other one got just RGB output, not DVI
Yea thought the same. But I want to know if I will be able to connect my upcoming 8800 GTS with it (since it only has DVI). Is there like a VGA DVI swith delivered with it ? :d
I'm not sure if it comes in the package but u can buy such adapter... I got many and they cost like 5e
I wouldnt touch anything without DVI in their name.
thx for the advice :=)
Indeed... so stupid if people don't use DVI on a LCD.

Digital -> Analogue -> Digital... awesome..

DVI is ownage, except for the 60hz.
I would check the specs on the manufacturer's site. I know for a fact that several of the monitors without DVI in the name on that page does have DVI (for example Samsung 931C, 226BW).
And 226BW is what Im getting in a week. Looks phantastic, thats more than fantastic.
yup :=). I might be buying it tomorrow
Hey you wont get my skill with it!

Just so you dont get any ideas.
how much Hz does it have?
bah, I won't buy anymore tfts until they got van handrid or more!
Heh, u're over 18 by then.
so, I can get one somewhere already?
Many LCD TVs are 100hz now iirc, but a TFT to play on with 100hz... if there are any they wouldnt really be cheap.......

*But dont be fooled by the hz, its not the same on TFTs as it is on CRTs.
yeah, I read about them some time ago, but they didn't promise them to be out soon and idd they will be expensive :P

time to sleep gonatt!!
It only does 60 Hz, at least on DVI.

(It can probably handle an input signal with 75 Hz, but that doesn't mean it will actually refresh with 75 Hz.)
I thought the 60Hz refer to the maximum possible resolution and that a DVI cable is actually capable of transmitting data at higher Hz in a lower resolution?
I'm refering to the 226BW display specifically, and it's not possible to set the refresh rate higher than 60Hz when using the native resolution 1680*1050 (not even forcing a higher value with r_displayrefresh works).

You're correct that the DVI cable itself doesn't impose a 60Hz limit though, and the monitor can do 75 Hz @ 1280*1024 (=ugly scaled crap).
I got mine the day before yesterday. :D
more journals plz
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