ok i just saw hp 5 and it was nice but not rly like the book and that fucked a bit up

Did you liked it?

if i didnt make the journal i liked it

i saw the opening 10 mins and thought it was shit
Obviously it can't have the entire book in film... That would take like 5 hours, and apparently RL moviemakers find that a problem.
but it can be better:o
I know it can be better, I (and most other ppl) agree, but if the guys who make it say no, what can you do about it? :'(
yea i know but im afraid they are gonna fuck up the briljant books #6 and #7 (if they gonna make) in those books happens so mutch just to mutch for a movie but all those things are important and great
Ok thats my reply gl with yours;).
True, but like in the last book there's lots of talking and thinking and BORING, ANNOYING BULLSHIT :P So they can skip most of that stuff, which makes me a bit more hopefull for the 7th movie =)
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