Just a question...

Anybody else using vista who got got a new etpro guid after the newest updates? Just trying to find out what made mine change...
Vista is crap. Go back to XP.
I am using xp on one comp...
Use it on 2 ?
I could... But I'm gonna work with support next to my studies, so I have to learn vista too.
no? WHAT no?
:o teh first l33t quetion :O
vista sucks atm.. just wait for updates..
brb buying vista
well guids are made based of hardware but they can be easly be changed or spoofed by software... so probably the new vista update forced something to changed and so did you guid change too..
if you have tried any of nexus releases then there you can write whatever you want as your etpro guid use someone elses...
guids are made based of hardware but they can be easly be changed or spoofed by software
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