help i need somebody

need tips against hangover fast !!!!!!!!!!!1111
just ignore it
it is a mighty hangover
stare at yourself in the mirror until it stops
Listen to Bananarama :O)
hangover= symptons of dehydration

so if u don't want to have one, drink a lot of water
if you drink some more ull get drunk again.
bb hangover
get yourself about 3 l of water and dont move the whole day.
go sit in the sun and drink more alcohol
If your hangover was that bad you wouldn't be sitting in front of your pc, so it aint that bad! HF!
drink a lot of water, the worst you can do is drinking even more alcohol. And try to eat smth even if you don't want smth right now.

To prevent a hangover before going drinking eat a lot, especially fat things.

some interesting links [ger]
Ask TosspoT
beer + salted nuts = no hangover

when u drink beer ur body starts producing less ADH so u have to go to the toilet more often and ur body gets dehydrated, if u eat salted nuts the salt absorbs alot of water so u can't pee it out and u won't get dehydrated
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