Back from bachelorparty

Yes, I just got back from the bachelor party for my upcoming brother in law. We started out by picking him up, yesterday noon, at his work. We then drove out to a firing range to shoot some skeets. Here is a picture of me real life hax0ring :P
image: ara_RL_hax

After that we went to CPH cablepark, to try some water skiing and wake boarding. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of it.... but anyway it was fun :)

Around 17-18'ish we were done at the cablepark and we drove into some woods, where we were going to stay the night over; Barbecuing and drinking the whole night, untill we didn't care anymore. Here's a picture of the shelter that we slept in:
image: shelter

Finally here is a picture of the bonfire that was going all night, to keep us warm in the shelter:
image: fire

So we woke up around 8'ish this morning, had some breakfast, packed up and went home. I must really say that this was one of the best bachelor parties that I have attended :)
im really happy that u had fun
god bless us all my friends
get any headshots with that shotgun?
I got 19 of the 25 skeets.

Unfortunately another guy got 21 :(
ooh a troo journal! :]
This is what a journal is :)
Ok very nice..

And now.. why the hell do you post this on the internet?
Quote by WikipediAA journal (through French from late Latin diurnalis, daily) is a daily record of events or business. A private journal is usually an elaborated diary. When applied to a newspaper or other periodical the word is strictly used of one published each day; but any publication issued at stated intervals, such as a magazine or the record of the transactions of a learned society (a scientific or other academic journal), is commonly called a journal. ...
we dont want him back, keep him plz
nice :) looks very nice
sounds fun
Nice, you shot some headshots? ;D
Seems like you had a lot of fun, gratz.
Looks cool.
looks like a massive rabbit cage ;o.
Its called a stag night!
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