hot showers on cold nights

you know when its really cold and all you can be bothered doing is just going to bed and warming up with the duna, but your like DAIM need to have a shower and its so much effort, but once you get in your like OOOOOOOOOOOOYEAAA

so hot and warm and relaxed and you never want to get out.

just had that hehehe

anyways bed time nn crossfire

parting gift;
howly shit :D
bed time? heh

crazy aussies
got to be up at like 7am tomorrow for uni :<
good night aussie.. pff my sister didnt answer my mail... she probably will be asleep by now as well^^
im always in cold shower. you smell better when your sweating glands turns off @cold shower :D
pretty hard to jump into a cold shower when its like 7degrees Celcius ^_^
I can do the jump(when i'm lying on the ground on my back) on my own :)
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