new dignitas CoD 2 team

Team-Dignitas Sun 19 Aug:
MepH, dignitasraz, wmplazma, blackmane and ODEE

bibuuuy Mick
im blackmane
cod2 sux =(
Need players from Finland Drag0nzoftheDark! imo >:/
u also know whats HFD.cod´s new home?
you mean The6Devils?
yep, thats the team that decided to try to get way "better" support
they deserve way better support, they are very good imo!
oh, didnt know u r a HFD-insider, sry...
I dont know how much they get from HFD ofcourse, but they dont have any "big" company sponsoring them, so I dont think they can offer tremendously much support to 2 gaming teams and a whole bunch of 1on1 players ;<

not an offence to HFD btw
so lets see which "big" support #6 of TEK-LAN will get...
still the number 6 of Europe , and the number two of germany, they'll find something nice, I'm sure of that.
cool dignitas is gonna suck even MORE now!
they should keep trainee, but they are gonna get pwned k3k3k3
Since when does ODEE play CoD2 at high level?
And who is MepH?

Looks like a joke to me!
This isnt their CoD2 team, Mick cant validate his signup on devotii until he goes back to ireland. Its just so they got a roster on the list.
haha swine :D
does this "ODEE" have anything to do with poker player "ODEE" who is playing very high stakes?
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