bioshock demo
21 Aug 2007, 00:07
anyone got a nice dl link?
anyone played it yet?
anyone played it yet?
great game trust me ;)
Got it from a private tracker myself, plenty of 'wtf, legal stuff on my pirate tracker!?!' comments, I can assure you. The game just plain owns. dunno if its still working.
lölöl 1,8 GB lölölö
dling with 3kb/s
:( i dl it with a 2.4 mb/s speed.
wow, can i touch you?
why did u replied like that? I just said that to tell you, in a certain way, that i dl it with a good speed. That mirror was suppose to offer good speeds.
^^ it was no offence, i just dont know what i could say on your last reply
it's on fileplanet
gg on pre order :)