I'm back ETQW

Been a long time since i stopped playing ET with one.soldier but im back to sample this etqws hype. It was must be at least a year since I last played. Beta 1 = complete trash I really thought 'this is the shit we have been waiting for all this time' Beta 2 'a new hope'.

I've played quite a bit of vehicles in bf2 especially gunships and tanking. In a period of unemployment i could put down several hours a day and could kill people with the skids on the helis...these half jet half gunship things in etqw are no way near the death machines the gunships were in bf2 so I'd say to all not to worry about them. The tank was unstoppable in beta 1 but it seems more ok now. I'm not a fan of auto turrets and the lock n missiles from all sides.

Infantry wise damaged needs to be lessened slightly per bullet to make 1v1s last a little longer. Work time.

no thx
we dont care about ETQW
etqw is crap
etqw is crap

4v4 infantry = ok

anything with those damn vehicles/turrets etc .. = sux
hm i pülayed some etqw lately and i actually think that its quite a nice game, even though i hate the vehicles... :XD
Real Name: Raqq
Age: 1 ( 30 September 2005 )
Member For: 3 years and 26 days

you know your old when you hide yer age ;)
etqw is dead
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