nat problem help

considering the ndeniable advatage of torrents i finally decided that i wat to get that shit fixed.

im havin a constant nat-problem although my port is obviously opened at my router so im now asking you how i could solve my little problem. is there any other problem causing this or is it just because i havent downloaded and seeded so much?

i really want to get that fixed because im now downloading with nothing more than 100 kb in general :/
direct download is faster :)
what do you mean by "direct download"
pressing a "download" link
torrent speed depends on the amount of seeders and leechers. if the torrent you are running is low on seeders and leechers the speed will most likely be slow too.

probably you can set a custom port in your torrentclient, if you set the same port in your router settings (probably virtual server or something) you can be sure it works properly
download ubuntu. its FAST
u need to open ports on ur router

image: portforwardingjt3
Quoteim havin a constant nat-problem although my port is obviously opened at my router

journal != manual
i have options saying "port opening" and "port forwarding", from what i read i have to add rules for both, not?
if you have the ports open correctly you dont get a NAT problem !!!
well, i read a tutorial about my router and i was told to do it the way i did it!
Does your torrent client have a NAT test and does it fail? maybe you have a software firewall too like norton or something?
neither of your possibilities
which torrent
which downloader
click :
lol u r gay
still gay
k gaylord, why r u clicking me´?
if u press 6 u will be gayer than elton john !
LOL U PRESSED 6... gangsta
bb i go play war
gaylord !

oO...i use this nickname since 1 year...i know razz since 4 month...
= me no wnb razz ... razz maybe wnb razzah
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