#slo.cups , 1st edition

Yesterday we finnished the 1st edition of slo.cup. I want to say few words about it.

I made the cup cause i want ET to live , to be played. I want too apologise for everything what was bad or was not good enough. It was my 1st cup I made by myself and it was hard - believe it or not.

Next time i'm gonna try harder , i'm gonna make cup for more teams , more ETTV slots for final + match for 3rd place, better awards, i will remake the maplist and so on.

That would be all. I want to say thanks to my sponsor once more - Kapoks Clan.

Have a nice day crossfire members !
you should stfu really
mute has spoken :DD
actually you should stfu Member For: 7 days. Its very good that there are still guys organising cups and make them more attractive to try to keep the game alive.
have you seen the final yesterday?
yes , i know i fucked up with bremen. And I'm sorry. Next time i'll let teams decide for 3rd map ! :(
look you can just say thanks to unknownrandomguy who gave his best to organize the cup and put alot of effort in it.
Khm mute are you doing something like this man to keep ET alive and give us dedicated players something to keep us playing and having fun.....no?....pls su and think next time b4 you go flame someone.
Good job unknownrandomguy ! Too bad we didn't know about the cup else we would participate in it ;)
.. ow & gL with next cup .. we'll make sure to be in it if possible :)
he really gave his best xDDDDDD:d;DDDDD:D;d;d;d:D:D;;dd
ffs smart ass then u go and organize the cup..comeon lets see how ull do it.. easy to talk when u dont have balls on sale
because i say he didnt do his best i have to organize my own cup? stupid
hes pretty smart.
yeah he is :D
no but then dont talk shit when u dont do anything about it - if you think ur so great and can do alot better then go and organize a cup - then be smart about his performance and organization of a cup.
and btw it was his 1st cup so instead of flaming the guy cheer him up a bit and normaly tell him what could be fixed next time? ass flamer
u cant be that stupid. like i said in every of my comments: WE NEED MORE CHEATERS IN SLO.ET CUPS !!!!!
cmon dont act so fucking stupid. die
actually u are acting stupid here.
see ur flaming tells everything about you guys - ur opinion means a fucking shit...why?...cuz u dont have anything better to do in life than flaming every dude that tries to do something nice. Beside cheaters ur the second most pathetic kind of ppl

EDIT: here u go fixed 2 words just for u
english ok? i dont follow you. just fuck off and stop making stupid replies. bye vieze kanker sloveen. you win
well im not guilty if u can follow :D besides simply as that - make a list of things u want to see fixed next time - in a friendly way ofc :D could be way more effective & pls stop saying things like die or kanker - only proves ur one of wanna be kiddos who just flame all the time.
i never said things like die of kanker. just stop replying to me.
ahaaha no you just said it to me in 2 posts? LoL
and read twice i didnt say u said DIE OF KANKER did i?
thre is or betwein not of :D
Andi on 23/08/07, 09:19:02

well im not guilty if u can follow :D besides simply as that - make a list of things u want to see fixed next time - in a friendly way ofc :D could be way more effective & pls stop saying things like die or kanker - only proves ur one of wanna be kiddos who just flame all the time.

See there is OR not of - read twice next time
Call vote mute "mute" imo.
hehehehe yeah /vote yes
I dont care about ET anymore. But u and ur cup suck donkeyballz. I have never seen such a fucked up cup. Go away and never organize a cup again u piece of shit. U can take ur fucking journal and ram it up ur ass. WE DONT CARE. DIE IRL THX.

" i want ET to live"

i lold irl. let all the cheaters play ur cup. that will help the community rly :)
ok i'll die of cancer , is that okay ?
"Next time i'm gonna try harder , i'm gonna make cup for more teams , more ETTV slots for final + match for 3rd place, better awards, i will remake the maplist and so on."

add more cheaters. thx
SU already all ya bunch of flamers...when did u try to do something like he did. Instead of flaming on crossfire go organize some cup.
And bout the cheaters part - i dont know how the things were but give guy a break u cant foking know who is cheater nowadays they are allways around...pathetic ppl imho...anyways atleast he gave something to ET comunity, to us players.
so su?!

Again nice job unknownrandomguy
Yes, u are right. Its rly great that someone makes a random fucktard cup. ET rly needs more of such a crap. We also need more cups in wich cheaters are playing. Its rly helpfull for the community if we allow them to play n stuff. GREAT WORK SLO.ET J00

lol you organize a cup lets see if there will be no cheaters .... foking cheatards are everywhere ... pathetic ppl .... so woot u prefer no cups rather than atleast someone trying to make some - learning on mistakes and putting agood one next time - like i repliedto mute instead of flaming go and give him a list of what could be fixed so he knows what to do in next cup better ffs
you want better cups and at the same time go flaming the guy - omg such a shortbrained ppl
cheater cup/no cup

hard dissicion
öhmm i atleast wouldnt allow busted cheaters to play. but nvm u r 2 stupid i'll end this discussion. u r right im wong ok? have fun irl. bibuy
this discussion wasnt about right or wrong, well thats means u didnt unterstand it what we are talking about.
ofc its not about right or wrong but maybe he stops talking dumb shit if i say he is :)
it cant be that hard to kick busted cheaters out of the cup huh? but instead of kicking busted once they kick guys who are "clean".. thats what im talking about.
yeh, it was wrong decision by admin :/, but welll that was obvious the topic he apologised for i guess.
edit: if it wouldnt be his first cup i wouldnt forgive him aswell.
i dont see something like "less hacks" or "we will not allow cheaters play next time" he should add something like that. i dont care about more ettv slots or mappool but when i play or watch a cup i want a fair matchup and no cheaters. that would indeed "help" the community but he shouldnt make it even worse.
well thats actually true. :)
yeah but see tell him that and the other things like u did now - you actualy told things u dont want / or want to see in next cup he'll made. Thats right woot u said now just keep it that way instead of flaming ;)
who said anything about kicking /not kicking cheaters etc...my point is why are you flaming the guy if he tries to keep et alive...ofc he did some mistakes and etc but its his 1st cup and aren't we human...we make mistakes so instead of flaming it would be way more effective to make a nice post with a list of things that could be better next time? dont u think?
"who said anything about kicking /not kicking cheaters etc"

are u kidding me? u replied to my comment and yes i said something about cheaters. if u want to reply to my comment u should read it first :o

"a list of things that could be better next time"
its more than obvisious that i talked about to much cheaters in my comment. isn it?

where the hell is your problem? do u think everyone will start lickin ur ass because u made a cup? the cup was shit and u get flamed for it that how it is. i wont treat u like someone special sry.
i meant myself...read twice next time
yes it is obvious but it is necessary to go flaming him instead of posting in a nice peacefull way?
and no its not the way it should be its just cuz there are unmature ppl that he gets flamed - if there were more mature guys telling him nicely woot to fix next timem his 2nd cup would be alot of fun and pleasure to play or watch it.
"yes it is obvious"
dont waste my time then.
you waste it urself with flaming - flaming doesnt help and as i said my point was that all u flamingtards should instead of flaming go and make nice posts of things that should be better or want to see in next cup :D
U know who i am? Im Heidenreich, no flaming is not an option for me.
lol glad to see that?!
think twice maybe ull get it :D
no thx

it took u quite long to understand what 2cwhat means he? slow reply mister ;O
oh sorry mister i was bussy with making myself a coffee - yeah yeah i know im a coffee addict :D
:D really...it smells good - Jacobs FTW
hehe ni problema.
drgac mi grejo ful na kurac teli modeli k sam flejmajo namest lepo napisat kaj bi blo lahka drgac, pac retardi :)
ja sj grem men isto to. ni ga pa cluveka k bi naredu cup. pol nj se pa jebejo :) ( SLOONLY)
GL for v2 !
Kicking Intense-Esports for no reason. yea for 4 cheating but no proof, really noob
that v0rtex admin was so dumb. he was specing Victim for hax but didnt saw anything then he sayd. oh Xzz is cheating bb >> kicked out of the cup.. hmm really nice tbh
we sav victim's demos. he was obviously cheating.
all cups starting at 12:00 till 17:00 suck
okay i collected all the opinions from flame & nice posts LoL

Here are the things that should be fixed:
- time-placement of cup (start of the cup later in afternoon?)
- 3rd map - decider - should be choosed by teams playing the match (elimination system?)
- better scouting of cheaters and banning them

if there is anything i forgot to add please reply ina friendly way :D so we can put the list together :D Thanks!
najbol da mi drugic pomagas pr cupu :P
hehehe :D ce rabs pomoc lahka pomagam :)
Germany re-play f0R_Z3H_w1N
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