
Heya since I have to do some more office & school stuff I need more room at my desk.

Thats why I decided to sell my crt and buy a flatscreen.

I think about spending 200-250€, should be 22' and widescreen.

Thought about this one, just as an example. Anyone already got one or has some advice?
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I got a Samsung 22" widescreen TFT and it's win. It's probaly more than the price range you've stated, a lot more.

22" screens are expensive though, it's a major jump from a 20".
choose BenQ, 3 years warranty (vor Ort) speak for itself
mine was broken, 2 days later i had a new tft before they had the broken one back
i just bought myself a samsung 20" and im very satisfied with it
i've played with several (good) crt's all my life so the 75hz is a little sucky, but the picture is sooo much clearer than any crt i've owned.
anyway, i can really recommend this one..
you should be able to get a 206BW 20" for €250, but the 22" version is much more expensive
ask flatscreener ;o
Getting the Samsung Syncmaster 226BW soonish. I guess its the most popular 22" atm.
I got that one yesterday, couldn't be more happy with it.

And to Chaoz, don't get a Benq, mine died after only 2 years for no obvious reason.
read my post... every Benq-TFT has 3 years warranty and u dont have to send it anywhere...they come to u
and let people tell whats happening if ur LG or samsung will broke (i know a HP TFT which was away for 4 weeks though warranty)
imo service > price
And quality > service.
thats why i never will buy any samsung-product

how many factorys do you think produce TFT´s? could u believe that Benq and LG has the same hardware inside with different brandings?
Why are people telling me that LG > HP,Benq ?

Why do tests say that the Benq ones are crap then ? ;<
in fact there r 2 factorys in Asia that produce every TFT-panel worldwide...one is Hitachi, the other one i cannot remember
so the technology is pretty similiar in every TFT, the "things" around, like power botton, r different - thats it
U know Bauknecht, Constructa or Miele? The Dishwashers r all produced here in Dillingen @ Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte
U know Milka? Milka Chocolate is a brand of Philip Morris (!)
LG = Philips
My Benq only had 2 :[ I got owned lol
Quote by benq.deGarantie und Service
BenQ gewährt eine Herstellergarantie von 36 Monaten im Vor-Ort-Austausch!

my translation:
we provide 3 years of warranty for our TFT´s
but couldnt find anythin bout that on benq.com

they cheated on u - or only germans get 3 years...
i guess its not in my price range?
Why not wait and save then? Its really worth it. Unless you just need something crappy that you wont play on. If so the SS226BW is over the top.
what's the difference between 206BW and 226BW?
I just bought the SyncMaster 206BW, it should be almost equal just with 20" for 230€.

I dont really care so much about gaming anymore, thats why I even considered to buy a non-crt
I've exactly the same for 270 :(
must have bought it some months earlier then :P
nope, 1 week ago at Netherlands Mediamarkt

"Ich bin doch nicht blöd." <- Bullshit
I was told the Benq one was crap.

Read a bit through the articles and stuff, and they said the HP one was crap aswell.

I had to choose between the Samsung 226BW 22" and the LG 22W.

Both same technical specifications (3000:1 contrast, 2 ms response time) the Samsung one was just slightly more expensive so I went for the LG one.

Now I'm using it for ~3 weeks and I couldn't be more satisfied.
I played with a 17" CRT before and I can't see any disadvantage.

It even feels a bit better now with the big TFT :D.

To sum it up: Take either the Samsung or the LG one, the others are crap. (Ask if you can view some pictures on the monitors in the store, you'll see it.)

Edit: both are around 300euro , don't take a cheap 22" ! Better take a proper 20" then if u REALLY don't wanna spend more.

Edit2: I've got the one you've posted and it's great!
lol heads business office?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!
lol, looks my dream: one for game, one for IRC, one for vent, and one for random porn xD
i only have the bottom part (2 monitors) @ office
was @ a job interview @ a company which employed 5 apprentices because they're cheap workers, and the boss had a similar office.
probably gonna get this one, it has the lowest ms and the highest contrast one can get for this price

I'll have to take a 20" instead of 22"
I shouldnt buy a BENQ
I should get a samsung or a lg.

k, thx @all
und wo ist der?
den's interessiert?
hurensohn :D
Hurensohn gilt traditionell als eine besonders schwerwiegende Beleidigung, da sie sich nicht nur gegen den Beleidigten selbst, sondern auch gegen die Familienehre, speziell die Ehre der Mutter richtet. Früher waren damit im deutschen Sprachraum allerdings nicht ausschließlich die Söhne einer Prostituierten, sondern auch uneheliche Kinder gemeint, bei denen die Mutter den Vater nicht angeben wollte oder konnte.
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