23 Aug 2007, 10:51
Heya since I have to do some more office & school stuff I need more room at my desk.
Thats why I decided to sell my crt and buy a flatscreen.
I think about spending 200-250€, should be 22' and widescreen.
Thought about this one, just as an example. Anyone already got one or has some advice?
Thats why I decided to sell my crt and buy a flatscreen.
I think about spending 200-250€, should be 22' and widescreen.
Thought about this one, just as an example. Anyone already got one or has some advice?
22" screens are expensive though, it's a major jump from a 20".
mine was broken, 2 days later i had a new tft before they had the broken one back
i've played with several (good) crt's all my life so the 75hz is a little sucky, but the picture is sooo much clearer than any crt i've owned.
anyway, i can really recommend this one..
you should be able to get a 206BW 20" for €250, but the 22" version is much more expensive
And to Chaoz, don't get a Benq, mine died after only 2 years for no obvious reason.
and let people tell whats happening if ur LG or samsung will broke (i know a HP TFT which was away for 4 weeks though warranty)
imo service > price
how many factorys do you think produce TFT´s? could u believe that Benq and LG has the same hardware inside with different brandings?
Why do tests say that the Benq ones are crap then ? ;<
so the technology is pretty similiar in every TFT, the "things" around, like power botton, r different - thats it
U know Bauknecht, Constructa or Miele? The Dishwashers r all produced here in Dillingen @ Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte
U know Milka? Milka Chocolate is a brand of Philip Morris (!)
my translation:
we provide 3 years of warranty for our TFT´s
but couldnt find anythin bout that on benq.com
they cheated on u - or only germans get 3 years...
I dont really care so much about gaming anymore, thats why I even considered to buy a non-crt
"Ich bin doch nicht blöd." <- Bullshit
Read a bit through the articles and stuff, and they said the HP one was crap aswell.
I had to choose between the Samsung 226BW 22" and the LG 22W.
Both same technical specifications (3000:1 contrast, 2 ms response time) the Samsung one was just slightly more expensive so I went for the LG one.
Now I'm using it for ~3 weeks and I couldn't be more satisfied.
I played with a 17" CRT before and I can't see any disadvantage.
It even feels a bit better now with the big TFT :D.
To sum it up: Take either the Samsung or the LG one, the others are crap. (Ask if you can view some pictures on the monitors in the store, you'll see it.)
Edit: both are around 300euro , don't take a cheap 22" ! Better take a proper 20" then if u REALLY don't wanna spend more.
Edit2: I've got the one you've posted and it's great!
syncmaster 226bw - it's rly sexy, 2expensive though
I'll have to take a 20" instead of 22"
I shouldnt buy a BENQ
I should get a samsung or a lg.
k, thx @all