Am i right ?

that PnkBstrA and PnkBstrB was earlier only @ ET:QW ?
but now those are on normal ET too not only QW ?

2nd question was stupid cuz i was just playing @ BiO and after that i have all the time running those both (so i noticed that yes they are @ ET o/ ) .. PnkBstrA.exe & PnkBstrB.exe ... and both are using 20mb memory all the time..imo gg's evenbalance .. or punkbuster dunno :D


EDIT: btw should those pb exe files run all the time ? :DDDDD

this happened too alot.. wtf handshaking ? :
image: ggevenbalance
click for enlarge
to early for this shit
What's the difference between PnkBstrA and PnkBstrA
I just got kicked for PnkBstrA @ u|k server and it's not even running in my processes :<
what was the reason ? kick reason i mean ..
Service communication failure
same with the picture what i posted ?
handshakin lol
I can't remember exactly, it was service communication failre then something PnkBstrA
I guess you need to update to get the PnkBstrA shit or enable it again if you have disabled it when it wasn't required, it kicks you for not having it probably.
ok =) .. yea handshaking.. how.. hmm.. maybe your client side punkbuster is handshaking that server side punkbuster.. but both are male and then u got kicked cuz handshaking :DDD they r not gay punkbusters !
You can play ET without them, you need to delete them but I wouldn't do so if you play ET:QW too.
well im not playing QW.. but if those aint needed files..whats the point to update then like that .. u know why ? =D
Nope, but everytime those files appear I just delete them and my ET runs better, I think they are both for ET:QW but will run on everything else.
So how do you solve this problem now ?, had same problem but didn't have the handshaking thing
i dont have problem :> and i didnt have any problems =)
taas krisse patemassa :( ps. koulus ei toimi skandit :ASD
plox "patemassa"
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