Help needed please :-)

Ok, I'm still deadsick, high fever, etc...

But... the problem is: I keep coughing, and my throat hurts rly rly rly bad! :'(
It's already going since monday, and coughsirup, throatpills and that throatcandy which they call "drop" in holland, for which there isn't an English word, all don't work :(

So, my question is, does anybody know something to soften the pain in my throat / to stop my coughing.

Thanks in advance for the ppl who react seriously.



edit: Thanks to everyone who helped me, I'm taking my pills and cures now, and then I'm off to sleep, bye!
just shut up! :) (no flame)
just shut up! :) (no flame)
Drink lots and lots of tee.
Always have a scarf around your throat(heats it)(just watch not to tighten it too much :)).
Thanks, but the scarf I can't do, since I still have 41 degrees fever, have to keep myself cold :(
haven't you got something like this eucalyptus shit in holland?


you can put it into a bowl with hot water and inhale it.
aah that's a very good idea, didn't think of that yet

Thanks! :)
use a big knife and cut it open everyone happy
sleep very well in your bettgestell
hot milk and honey, eases the pain..
drop = liquorice or licorice
T. Raumschmiere - Diving in Whisky
tea + honey = win
sleep well. :)
hmm if it really hurts that bad, try morfine
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