Keyboard Setup

So, I was bored earlier and decided to do this image, showing my game setup on my keyboard with a little colour code to show each one.
This setup is kinda basic I guess with all FPS games I play (RTCW + ET) are same, CS:S and a few other games are similar (different weapons etc)

image: Setup

What's yours? :)
dude how can you play like that, with adsw for z movement you got lots more keys nearbye. or do you just have uber long fingers or something.
Why would I need uber long fingers? My fingers are pretty much normal size and I can reach every thing I need (minus chat) :)
dont you agree that z space is smaler between keys if you use adsw.
I'd say it's about the same to be honest.
Give it a try, span your fingers over WASD setup with your midddle finger on W as you would, then the same with the arrow keys like in my setup, there's not much different in distance apart from each key
no dude i try sucks big time, with adsw you hand is resting on all z keys you need, with your settings you have to move you hand. z men that made fps games picked adsw for a reason (z best option) why z fuck would you change that.
omg, sux tbh :P
u have to leave the movement keys if u want to jump, or if u want to change ur weapon

i dont get how u can move like that :/
Which is why I'm shit at strafe jumping, but who needs that, unless of course you want to show off some trickjumping :P

It does limit my movement a bit I guess, and I can only strafe jump properly to the right :D
I'll wait untill the majority of people wake up and see this journal, I hope i'm not one of the only people here playing with this kind of setup :XD
no need just start downloading z configs you will be shocked ;- )(
Playing with arrows is for retards.
holy shit it\'s a lion, get in the car
how do you do a left sided strafe jump?
well here's mine

image: keyb
It's kinda hard to focus on the keyboard with the distracting element in the background :>
kind of? :D
yes, where's the prob? :P /meh 2lazy2type :P
I don't really strafe jump left, but I can do it by crippling my fingers a bit, I need to start off left jump, can't go in to right then left :<
That looks horribly unergonomic. You should start using wasd before you get tendonitis or something! :X

W - forward
A - backwards
S - strafe left
D - strafe right
MOUSE2 - jump
space - walk
C + mouse4 - crouch

MOUSE3 - rail
R - lightning gun
F - shotgun
E - nailgun (q4)
Q - grenade
SHIFT - plasma
CTRL - rocket
1 - machine gun
Z - gauntlet

G - drop weapon; drop ammo
H - drop flag
J - dropped 'X' for 'X'

T - say
Y - say_team

= - /name nVc
- - /name #thelastresort nVc
0 - /name (:



W - forward
S - backward
A - strafe left
D - strafe right
Q - lean left
E - lean rigt
SPACE - jump
C - crouch
Z - prone

MOUSE 1 - fire
MOUSE 2 - alt fire

MOUSE 3 - stroy up
MOUSE 4 - stroy down

L - limbo
B - reset spawn

1-0 - class stuff



W - forward
S - backward
A - strafe left
D - strafe right
CTRL - lean left
SPACE - lean right
E+MOUSE3 - jump (depending on the jump shot)

SHIFT - hold breath
MOUSE4 - melee

F - use
G - grenade + throw

T - say
Y - say_team

= - /name nVc
- - /name #thelastresort nVc
0 - /name (:


so different every game ^^
I got the sprint at End, makes the strafing a bit more logic.
Once you go arrows, you (can) never go back :D
My sprint is mouse2 o/
It's shift when I use rifle :>
I almost used the same key setup, but i learned to use wasd instead(took me 1 week at least to get used to), now i feel my movement in ET is much better...also i can tj/strafe jump much better now.

So my word of advice is to learn using wasd(or similar) and never look back ;=)
arrows are good for new players

and games like mohaa

thats about it

i agree
<3 arrows :), but I can strafejump to left and right, since I got some other buttons (+mousebuttons)
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