an ET problem :<<<

well since my latest format i am gettin kicked from ET and COD2 (but not from quake lol) servers for this reason:
image: kicked16ozi

no I dont have any kind of cheats on my pc, and its rly annoying cuz i have to reconnect all the time and then the other team says that i hax n stuff. :<
I'm just wondering if someone knows whats the prob.

disable it? or if i have something blocked in there?
both.. disable it!
it maybe actually works, thx
edit: no it doesnt :D
no there is a list who of progz who is not allowed by punkbuster i dunno why i saw it on punkbuster site
pb ftw it caughts clean players and make them fuckin mad ;d , real cheaters play without any problems najz najz najz najz najz
Quote to evenbalance; getbrain oO? pls
or maybe z ppl that are whining are cheaters, i dont see any lag and im not getting kicked so plz ppl stop z whine
Disallowed program? kk

cu @ lan
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