unistalling xp home?

I just bought a laptop which had xp home installed (and system recovery in case it would matter) and installed the xp pro that i had. So when i start the computer now, i get to choose wheter I would like to boot with pro or home. Why the fuck is that and how du I remove home from there?

Any help would be appreciated.
1) use google

2) u need to format C: ,cuz u got 2 versions installed .... i think
I'm quite sure i formatet C before the installation. the system recovery is on another drive all by it self, do you think that might be the problem?
format or just delete win map cuz now jou should have two
so removing the xp home win map would remove home you think?
me think so not realy shure had z same prob but it was 2 years ago dont know if i deleted or used win setup to delete it
try this:
Go to Run and typ msconfig
after that you go to BOOT.INI and there you need to set the default OS

OR go to the Properties window of My Computer, Advanced, Startup and Recovery, Settings and there you can also change the time to display the list of OS' or even Edit the txt file from your BOOT.INI

I'm also using a laptop with XP Pro on it and in my txt file I got:
Quote[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

I guess you can copy/paste, and save it
thanks that help with the start up. but what do I do to get my space back from the harddrive?
I had this startup problem as well, and as for the harddrive..I've no idea, but my brother had this with his linux comp as well (he lost that amount of space tho)
I formated the whole thing again, things seems to be going better now, thanks for your help :)
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