Help with server in Newsleecher (EN+NL)

image: dafhgpe7

This is the problem my friend has.
He got enough space so isn't the prob.
After downloading a part it will get Queued?
How to get the download finished?
Someone know how to sholve the problem?

dont know
i know it
take a payserver ;)
The "retentie" (in dutch) from the servers which u use to dl is not big enough...
U have to start dling when the game / dvd / porn / w/e is posted as soon as u can now...or buy a payserver and u can dl 50 days or smthng after its posted!!
pm if u need more help ;)
neem eweka.. 7.50 € p/m d8 ik..
ja, maar het is niet voor mij tis voor een vriend van me en freeservers werken ook goed.
ik heb zelf al een payserver
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