etqw key...2nd chance!

i have 1 more etqw key!

serious etqw fans pm me. (1st will take it)
plz give it to mehhh
so you forgot me or what
Don't play ET:Qw
died cuz of cheaters
hi2u my friend how are u :)?
i got infection cuz i went out from shower naked and went to cold place XD

but its cool :P
uh xD
u have to got to the toilet all the time now?
lol why?

i just take my medicine and thats it :~<
i thought u sit on a cold place and u infected ur blain and now u have to piss like 10 times in a minute lol ^^
nvm :P
get well soon ofc!
lol no nonono XD

it was from the air condition that is in my room ^^

and i have the infection in my bloody right ear :P

i can hear normal, but i allways feel like there is a big spider in my ear that allways bit me >:F

i didnt manage to sleep few days cuz my favourit position is on my right ear ^^

image: 6466

yep we got those also in here :D
their bit is horrible :~<
ohh i know what u mean ^^
my brother has that alot. thats indeed pretty evil and hurts much :(
well the good side that they are not dangerous :S

but they are huge :ooo

camal spider or in hebrew Akrabot ^^ (scorpion+ spider)
i dont like spiders :D
i mean im 100 times bigger then them but i still fear them :X
nah after some missile hit near your house, you wont fear nothing ^^
hmm, ur right a spider is nothing compared to that :(
i hope that wont happen again m8. take care of u :)
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