First day of school...

"We don't turn you into no webmasters here. That's peanuts. You can do that on your own in two days, with a 'for dummies'-book." --my OOP & networking teacher

I'm liking this teacher a lot already. :D
gl hf m8
LoooL :;D m8<3
hope u will say that at the end of the year too :>
Number-crunching and C++ fiddling the Microsoft way starts tomorrow.
for me (last) exam tomorrow:)
tomorrow big day :|
gl with the exams :D
better than"hey show me ur boobies, u will get a better mark" :/
My class actually has two girls, which seemed to surprise many. I'm still wondering what the hell that 100% emo-chick is doing there, she didn't exactly fit in. :/
hehe we had such a teacher @ school xD
its a fair teacher imo, did you go for it?
no i said he should gtfo and i had to excuse me next lesson for that. :( i said, no i dont wanna get marks for my boobies..
well as i graduated from school he wrote in my book "u always tried to be evil to me, but i still like u" -.-
to bad female teachers arnt like him,

on the other side you should have fucked him around, by saying if you dont give me good grades i fuck you up:D:Dd
im not that evil. :p
I have a female teacher in GUI-design and databases. She's a complete C# advocate. :p
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