olBaa finally busted :( [fin/eng]

01:15 <pulsar\m4xXi> hi m8
01:15 <hMg|olBaa> sup
01:15 <pulsar\m4xXi> do u remember me?
01:15 <hMg|olBaa> yE a busted player ;X
01:16 <pulsar\m4xXi> yea it is me
01:16 <pulsar\m4xXi> i have the proof that u are a cheater
01:16 <pulsar\m4xXi> real proofs
01:16 <pulsar\m4xXi> Cu @ xfire
Omg. more pls.
what do you wanna know?
mind pls tee lisää fakeaccoi ! :]
if olbaa is a cheater , i am mystic np
so where are the proofs?
01:16 <pulsar\m4xXi> i have the proof that u are a cheater
01:16 <pulsar\m4xXi> real proofs

He's not hacking. I have see him playing everyday, and I havent noticed anything. So, yea I rly like these kind of journal's eventho its been done by joke.
me is are no agree 0 cheats me sayz jealous noobz see cheaters everywhere/ leet jealous cant believe some newschoolers got skillz too u need to play et since the begin for be good or you are a cheater me is are sure me is are pro me is are say stfu noob newskoooler hax ban wh rofl more and more busted more random hacker every3on3 i found cheaters hello im waki and i will kill ppl who pwn me cause i think they cheats kthxbye
This is like "to be continued" XD
Olba tehny uuden accountin tänne ja journalin että sais huomiota!
Capu oletkos pelle tai jtn? Miksi tekisin uuen accon tänne ? :X miksi tekisin uusia accoja? pls
no tossa mun postauksessa se lukee kylläki :/
where are the news?
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