Enemy Territory Players
28 Aug 2007, 18:36
1. whiner
2. flamer
3. spammer
4. cheater
5. hater
everytime when im playing on public these attitudes i met over and over again. :/ cant be normal and its so annoying
random song <3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zViMNjWEXlg&NR=1
1. whiner
2. flamer
3. spammer
4. cheater
5. hater
everytime when im playing on public these attitudes i met over and over again. :/ cant be normal and its so annoying
random song <3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zViMNjWEXlg&NR=1
no spammer imo :/
but im not talking about mixes n stuff, i always enjoy them. :D
mix > pub
da habe ich mal recherchiert was hier so abgeht :p!
b2t: Ich mach in letzer Zeit nur bekannschaft mit Fraktion "5. hater".
scheiße btw ich glaub ich hab scatman ne pm geschrieben die ich dir schreiben wollte xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD oder is was angekommen lolz
die pm wäre nur übel geendet in den falschen händen :p
bin auch gleich erstmal off bis heute abend :)
man pm'ed/spammed sich :p
btw u're right but jst dont care and pwn the lil kiddy boys ^^
if u rly wanna play on public just do cg_teamchatsonly 1 and the world will be whole better place :D
1. whiner
2. flamer
3. spammer
4. cheater
5. hater
guess who's 6!
but im :
6: player (not computer way...:D)
always happy to see u. how r u? <3
what about you ?
its allways nice to see you aswell honey.
but i quit today=) im starting in a new company on monday..hurray..
pay my trip to enschede, and i will come=)
cash is king.<
you should have known this for a long time :X