Plz ffs reply my journal

say sth in my journl..i love to read satrange things about meh... as i said i never cheated in wars so np its a normal nexus i send u all demos...but if u believe i haxed all finally highskilled XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDim so drunken so dont delte this random nooob busted owner drunken journal thx to all i played wizh <3
theodor smells

drunken ppl allways write in caps lock on ^^
dialogue reminds me of this here Firefly tv show which FSKN OWNS
retarded selfbust cheater coming back and telling us he never cheated (yea, sure, thats why you were low+ getting no clan)
and now you got drunk whining cuz you ruined your e-life
Xd dude im glad o have no et life anymore but np i always thought im kinda skilled but what is this in rl? np... i finally understood...on the last weekend i let a friend of mine play et with the n exus with the finnaly hope i getz buste3d..and there is the result... io give a shit about hte community i give a shit about et but hey im back on rtcw2 maybe and then i will pay for my hax...hopefully nc will have nice hax till the beginníng ^^ <3 u no matter what u said
you wanted to get busted. ok
you are now supporting hax. ok
<3 ok
2nd thing no but <3 as well ^^
I will do the same. <3 u =)
bb mate!
low+ max anyway :)
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