Generic whine

im too boored 2 read this to end but.. gl :)
Down with the paranoia!
Sorry, sometimes I forget journal's for youtube links & 1 line jokes. :(

Don't really have the motivation to make this a collumn anyway, wouldn't really fit with the proper ones.
I read it :) But i do agree. post this in forum section, and it will last longer with more pepole reading it :)
interesting point of view, many ppl should read this one, because I think it's all true :)
I have to agree with you on this one.
ARRRR! I agree!
hi griim, nice to see you're still alive
Hey viax :]
Good to see some of the old outrage players still play.
i quit playing a while ago, so i won't be contibuting to the general whine anymore :O)
Ah :(

You'll be back!
summarize in 3 words plz
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