hi good morning hru?

last night we in australia, dunno about anywhere else in the world, we had an eclipse of the moon hehehe

image: 0,,5631218,00
the moon had its period hehehe
lookin awesome
gday maight, i 'eard it wa' those dingoes that blocked the muuun!

Good night aussie guy <3
lllllllllllllllllllloL irl =p
awww never seen this moon stuff, it looks great! :)
I'm find and you?
good morning,
i set the alarm to wake up early, since i was sleeping too much in my holidays - now i woke up grinning cause i'll be able to buy my new t2 arena shoulders, but i forgot that the servers are down til 11am :((((((
very nice
very nice photoshop skills
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