ETPro LAN Server

Hi guys

Today i tried to start a LAN server on our network at school. I searched the forums and found some parameters that I should use, and finally I decided for those parms:

+set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27960 +set fs_game etpro +set fs_homepath 27960 +set sv_punkbuster 0 +exec server.cfg

I created a shortcut on my desktop and pointed it to ET.exe with those parameters. But now when I want to open the server, the ET console appears, and everything runs until this error appears:

couldn't exec default_comp.cfg
couldn't exec mapdefault.cfg
couldn't exec mapdefault.cfg
Resolving resolved to
Sending heartbeat to
Hitch warning: 4212 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 539 msec frame time

Is anyone of you capable of explaining me the mistakes I made when trying to start the server?

started school already? :))
no way...i still have like 3 weeks of vacation...wo_ow
use ETDED.exe not ET.exe
I did, but it doesnt matter since I get the same error
use etded.exe instead of et.exe and

add "+map goldrush" to the startline and you should be alright

EDIT: and btw, i dont see any errors in your log!

just type: map goldrush into the console once you are at that point or try status to see if the server is online
can you maybe explain me what the echo "Hitch warning: 539 msec frame time" means?
Thats lag. But its very normal when you start a server. When these warnings occur just in the middle of nothing you got a problem (but hey its lan)
not really lag, its more or less a sign for a weak cpu / ram.
what hannes said

also you can try to type

if it says server not running you definbately gotta do map goldrush
If it gives you a sort of table, then it is running
dedicated 2 = internet, dedicated 1 = lan
did u create the homepath dir on your pc ?

but i dont think this should be a prob tho,
another problem could be that if your school network has tight security settings, it can make punkbuster not work properly, if you need that to be running =)
yer school pc's dont give u admin users right, and u need admin for pb right, thats why he turned pb off, right? :D

i used to host et @ school too, playing with the whole class and acted like we were developing a game LOl
"if you need that to be running" :D
our school is a joke and no they do not have any kind of security settings
"C:\Programme\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ETDED.exe" +set net_ip "" +set fs_game etpro +exec etproserver.cfg +set dedicated 1

netip must be the same as your computer in the network
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