Root server to rent.

Anyone searching for a rather cheap Gamerserver (Root) ?

Rootserver AMD Sempron3400+, 2 GB RAM, 80 GBHDD

39 euros a month. I'll cancle the contract soon, so if any1 wants it be sure to pm me here
or in #ultraviolet

Server Host:

5 ips inclusive
no thanks!
which hoster?
/me is checking it out
Could u give me an idea about what and how many u can host on it?

(et servers, vent etc)
atm: 3 et server

ts, vt, 5 sbnc's (5 ips inclusive)

1 et:qw server

installed but not running:

q3, rtcw
So you have no idea if it will run smooth?
well it is running smooth. Just dont need those servers all the time
klein ain't bad and the majority of gtv servers and ettv hubs are hosted there.
sempron sux & i got 1
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