favo south park episode

what's your favo south park episode and link plx :)

you can link em nana
the one with jennifer lopez owns.
ye it was on tv few days ago
my favourite seasons: 8, 9 10, 11 they rly kick ass
yea i edited :D
dont have my fav episode tho, they're all cool
8, 9 and 10 are!
wow episode
and jinger kids :O
wow episode <3333
Apoligies to jesse jackson, aka nigger guy!
Words with venom, words that bind.
Words used like weapons to cloud my mind.
I'm a person. I'm a man. But no matter how hard I try,
People just say "Hey! There goes that 'nigger' guy."

Everywhere I go, it's always the same.
I can't get away from that terrible name!
"Hey Nigger Guy! Nigger Guy! Nigger Guy!" STOP!

Now go.
Call me Nigger Guy! Fill me with your hate!
Try to bring me down- Oop up, you're too late.
Someone just beat you to it. But my dream will not die:
To be thought of as more... than just "Nigger Guy."

the one where cartman chops up a guy's parents and fools him into eating them, i forgot the name.
5x01 Scott Tennorman Must Die (if my memory serves me correct)
yeah that one when he trys to train a ponny to kick hes balls /o\
that one :D
The one with the dog whisperer :)
the dog(cartman) trainer
red sleigh down
too much awesome eps :))
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