Tell me teh song pl0x

I am the one and only bla bla :DD: i dont remember it , it was also in movie called "A Gamer's Day" so plz tell me the name. thanks

random picture:

image: chuck_norris_random_fact_generator_6_3957_2224_image_2578

random quote:
mAlczik: I am HIGH now!
the wild rastafarian
donno what u mean, but try:

Timbaland - One and Only
I am the one eyed pony... cant take that away from me!

Chesney Hawks - One and Only or something... sad i know.
chesney hawks - Im the one and only
chesney hawks - Im the one and only
progamer :D learn me how to compress moviez pl0x <3
der ftp funzt wieder :DD
ich weiß ;) schon seit gestern :)

(edit: oder sogar vorgestern :D ka ^^)
i laik oldsch00l :XD
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