Public Server

new public server opened..

Slots: 16+5
Style: like cybergames but without ref voting, with balanced teams.

Flame ON
flame flame flame

flamethrower on
Is the server streaming with PB bans? :>
Is the server taking random pb_screenshots?

If yes, then i might visit it much in the future :)
Ah is it a modified CB/ESL cfg ?

I hope no retarded admins as on Bio tho
modified CB config yes, no retarded admins :D
there are only 5 admins :D
Ok pb stream on ?
not yet i think
Quotelike cybergames

publish it when new nexus version is out
who plays public nowadayz?xd full of fucking cheat0rz
Ppl who are in an inactive clan and dont want to play war with strange ppl (who might be cheaters)

In public you also can play with/against cheaters but you cant be accused of playing with a cheater since it public (unless he wears the same tag lol :o)

Anyway i like to pub when im bored and no one of my clan is online
cybergames + sten is funny
cybergames + sniper * is funny 8(
cybergames + panzer is funny :o

You get a 4 man panzerkill (when there are 6 axis) and you get called a noob!

When that happens at a cup they say pro ;o

That makes me laugh every time it happens :D
Ridley owned!
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