ET tactic mastermind!

lets say that team X consists of 4 players. that secret team needs 2 more players to 6on6. "?" means we dont have that player yet. which variant is better (or maybe none)?

| med cov | - rambo med
| med eng | - rambo med
| med eng fld | - smg
| med eng fld cov pff rfl | - allrounder
? | fld (med) | - fieldops
? | med | - rambo med
(in this variant allrounder will play rifle most of time, wont be any rifle where it is not necessary)

| med cov | - rambo med
| med eng | - rambo med
| med eng fld | - rambo med
| med eng fld cov pff rfl | - allrounder
? | fld (med) | - fieldops
? | rfl (med) | - rifle

well, its hard to find good rifle for a team that is building yet. so if we wont find any rifle, guess option 1 becomes the only way..
option two, you need a strong rifle, the allrounder can be the supportive med or some other class
i think u need 6 ZAELOT CADET
i think u need more rambo medics
med - eng/fops
rifle ofc =/
just take a nice rifle that can also play some smg
imo you need players like...

1. rifle, part-time fieldop
2. fulltime aimer-whore medic (hi squall)
3. fulltime objective-whore medic
4. uber aggressive rambo fieldop
5. a balanced fragger/reviver medic (hi lepari)
6. the shit jobber, engi smg, fieldop and panzerfaust
thanks, ill consider those variants and fit them into the real, the avi players that is!
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