Bored? Want to rape 6on6?
1 Sep 2007, 02:18
American league, STA. A lot of big name euros playing. Tekoa, Squall, Humm3l, Hazer(I think), *urtier and night* i think dunno. Snoop and weak used to play. But whatever. It's an American league where euros come to rape us. If you're interested, pm me or drop a comment. At 9:30est, or 2:30 europe time (at night)
EDIT: It's a league, so a match every Wednesday at that time :D
EDIT: It's a league, so a match every Wednesday at that time :D
Just fyi
ascend ((/)) vs. Team enV (enV)
Bus Drivers (|.=.|) vs. rAnsom (rAnsom)
Soldiers of the New Legend (SNL!) vs. FastcomGaming (' nick / fcG)
Degree ([<-]) vs. indecisive ([id])
Greater Than clan ([<u]) vs. Poutine (Poutine -)
New Age Gaming (NAg|) vs. Soldiers With Thompsons (|sWt|)
Saved by Grace (+SbG+) vs. Crazyy-88 ([Crazyy-88], [C88])
Team Cross Breed (:+:) vs. Knights of Virtue (kv|)
Team Facial (~x_o) vs. Zories (| >), ( >), SANDALS)
vakooshna Lords* (vL*) vs. House of Frag (*HoF*)