Need stuff

For my upcoming movieproject im searching for the following rtcwstuff:

almost all quakecon 2002 demos + shoutcasts
old american demos from CAL (finals and good games) + shoutcasts (esp. NARF vs fx, 2003)
brackets of old nationscups + demos + shoutcasts
brackets of the passed eurocups (apart from X) + demos + shoutcasts
shoutcasts from qc2k3 apart from the final one
or just demos of really tough matches, between known clans

I dont need stuff that already is on challenge-tv, planetwolfenstein, swertcwftp, pmcgftp

If you got something contact me on irc: twist3r, or send me a pm in crossfire

Thanks in advance...
D:D:D::D you are so fucking kidding me
I dont need everything, but i try to get as many as possible...
unlimited time , hd , nervs ?
If i'm really going to do what im planning, im gonna release the movies in parts: I, II, III, IV etc.
And i've got some people who help me, and im still searching for more btw =)
good luck
why are u doing this?
why am i doing what?
QuoteFor my upcoming movieproject im searching for the following rtcwstuff:
I like making movies, I think that something like this would interest many people....
ok that's all i wanted to know
god bless us
happy end
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