rapidshare *mimimi*

reached my 25gb rapidshare limit in 5 days

image: emo

anyone knows how long I got to wait until I can download again?
a day?
means 24 hours or just until Tuesday 0:00 ?

got like 90% of die hard 4 and wanna see it asap :'(
You may download 25 GB within five days. This means in other words that you can download 5 GB every day. You can also "burst" and download 15 GB today and 10 GB tomorrow, but this means that you will not be able to download anything the following three days because we check how much you have downloaded in the last five days. 25 GB = Bytes.

so if: D1 5gb D2 5gb D3 10 gb D4 2.5gb D5 2.5gb
you can download 5gb 2morrow :)

if: D1 25gb
you have to wait 5 days ;)

i think it's 0.00cet for dayreset
Diehard 4 is pretty nice movie :] worth of dl for sure.
ye I'd like to watch it :@@@

reached the damn limit while downloading at night
:[ That suck's. So you need to wait 24h to download again ? ;o that 25gb limit suck's really.. whats the point of that ? :o Limit I mean.
dunno, maybe they cant handle the traffic if ppl with really fast internets are powerleeching
Might be true actually. Anyways hf watching DH 4 :]
rapidshare sucks
nice argument
use usenet :)
Just until tommorrow. But I don't know, whether the deadline is based on the day or on the timepoint, when you reached the limit.
tricky question!

check your logs to see how much you downloaded 5 days ago, today at 0:00 you will be able to download x gb again
Rofl, stupid Belgian download limit :<
If only I could ever download 25 gigs in 5 days.
childporn protection!
FUNNY...NOT :<<<
no it's telenet !
rapidshare > *
die hard 4.0 > *
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