Sucks :(

So last night I went up to uni to move some stuff into my new house, today I was gonna do some painting and generally tidy some shit up before I go back home on Tuesday.

Slight problem that this morning I locked myself outta the house after going to buy breakfast. Now I am up shit creek without a paddle as the landlords arent picking up the phone and I'm stuck with about £5 and half a sandwhich :( To compound the pain I have a carton of orange juice i cant drink because I dont have a cup!

Considering I think i'll be on this uni pc for a while waiting for someone I know to pickup their phone, please if are entertaining be entertaining in this thread!
I heard helix will close the whole clan
YPPIAIJEIJEEEEEEEE! Oh wait.. that was supposed to be TosspoT's reply :<
hope they will support u for lans
heard they didnt give money to their et squad
I dont think so :P wc3 left and last time a manager was online is weeks ago
me entertain u very soon, need to get smoke first, brb
nice engrish!
wanna dictionary? :D
image: clean-dazed-kitty

poor u. go the the shop, get some cheap cup and enjoy ur juice.
drink the juice outta the carton like a man
I was thinking the same.
ye idd wtf :P
couldent agree more.
I think I won't come to CDC3.
u better be coming!
i have to, i know!!!
:( Saskiuuu you must come! Rly :(
i know, but when i wont get a positive answer this week from my last jobinterview, i dont have enough money. :((
so crossfingers, that they'll say yes!!!

how r u jolaaa? <3
good, good:) Just find place to sleep on the lan :) So uber happy. But still you must come. I will be keeping my thumbs for you<3
We are definitely aiming for the first spot and not finishing under the top 3 would be a huge dissappointment. I think we got a strong lineup this time and unless some imigrants slap us to death everything is possible.
i dont think so.. ;)
how can you post a journal ? :/
you start by clicking "Write in your journal"
doh, i mean he's outside his room and still writing a journal.
oh noez...
nah rly maybe i found cheap flight, but nothing avi so far.. :(
brake a window
when did you grow a vagina and need a cup to drink orange juice, just drink out of the carton/bottle
"when did you grow a vagina"

Shouldn't have any trouble entertaining himself if he did! =)
well there are still enough ppl to meet there. a place to stay, pls shouldnt be this big prob in the bungalows. share ur bed :p haha would give us funny stories..
and serious stories too!
u would like to read serious stories about FDJ sharing his bed with someone?

prefer more serious or funny stories??
depends on my mood xD
When i tried to move into one of my uni houses I found that the key my landlord had given me a few hours earlier didnt work in the lock. I tried for ages and rang him and he told me he had given me the right key, so I tried the back door and stuff. Then this huge guy came out and asked why i was trying to break into his house.

Turns out I had the right key but the wrong house. The students who lived there before us had swapped the house numbers round, the bastards that they are.

Its sure a novel way to meet your new neighbours!
deleting my journals sucks

edit: i hope you die outside your house
... 2BU ;D
eat the juice and the carton
ooooooooh ;(
so true m8
still remember our cool pic on teh couch
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