Public Transport

Ok, ive just returned from a mad dash around Manchester town centre - im tired and hungry so i decided to share with u all my morning :)

Ok, so i got up @ 7 because i needed to walk to the train station to catch a train (no shit) Into Manchester, to then catch a tram into Bury to go to my College. So i got my ticket, and things were looking good. Arrive into Manchester 10 mins late, i though its okay, i can deal with that. Then things really took off..

i bought miself a return tram ticket to bury for £5:00 (I KNOW!) @ a machine. To only find the fkin doors closing on my face and making myself look a right nobed running down the platform for the tram. i later found out from this nice lady (bless) that trams aint running to bury untill october! (THANKS) so i then go on the hunt for a bus..

I find a bus stop, and 3 busses with Bury clearly stated on front drove right past me!! i swear if i was a gal with huge tats they would of stopped.. i thought fk this, im going home!

So i got a ticked bk to my area, and it stated on the ticked - "PLATFORM 5, 9:29AM"

ok np4me.

9:30 - reet, should be here any second.
9:35 - hmm, mabye running late
9:42 - ok.. wats happening
9:45 came so i decided to ask the train man (yey) and he said it left @ 9:31 on platform 4..

WHAT?! it says platform 5.. he says to me "oh, thts odd.. well its left, ur gonna have to catch the southport train @ 10:10

great.. so i grab myself a nice latte and hop onto the train. BUT to end the day, on my way home i start txtin my (imaginary ofc) GF, telling her about my day, when i stand in fkin Dog shite! not impressed..

and now im home!! i thought ill share with u all of my exciting morning :):)

Motto: Public Transport sucks balls, and dog owners should really pick up theirs dogs shit.. morons

[place for comment]
1st! - replying to my own journal.. how sad :(

edit: oh wait..
nice story :D
also had something similar once...
getting a bus to newcastle at 1.45pm, will get in at 3ish and then I've got a coach to catch at 3.45pm. Gets to manchester at 8ish think I might go for a kebab or something when I get down.

Traveled almost 800 miles in 2 trips, this is the 3rd and I probably have to do it on Thursday as well >:{
i cn recommend a great curry house in Manchester! its like on back streets and seriously its nice. Hey, ill come with! >:P
I lived in Manchester since last September, been home for the summer ;)
cambridge halls, just off oxford road down from the aquatic centre. If you know where MMUnion is, the park is across the road just past that under the arch :P

(M15 6UU) !
LOL i actually know were u mean! im guna stalk now >D
Staying in a hotel on portland street tonight! Think I'm safe ^^
Quoteon my way home i start txtin my (imaginary ofc) GF, telling her about my day, when i stand in fkin Dog shite!

Made me lol! 8)
ya, didn't see that coming aswell :D
it what you gets in the streets of England.. seriously lol!
Good job they don't do that in Wales :DD
Sucks to be you.
I've not had much problem with transport other than:

When I wasn't able to drive (legally) I would catch a bus down to the gigs I go to, it takes 1hr and 30 mins in total to get there (25 mins by car) and the last bus was at 10pm so I would miss the headliners -_-
well next time, pop up to Manchester and give us a lift to college? kthnx :DD
I bet you feel like complete fool right now :). Next time go google how to get to your college.
i did! i had it all planned out, times ect. but the trams stopped going to bury, which fecked up everything! then the sexist bus drivers didnt help either!!!

not a happy panda
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