need help with css/monitor :x

my buddies screen is fucked up when he tries to play css

look at the screenshots here:

please help or tell below the line if you know what problem/solution is


that sux

try another vid-card, a similar one preferrably, so you can test wether it's your drivers settings or your vid-card. If the problem stays, reïnstall your drivers (you can try that anyways...), if the problem doesn't exist anymore, it's his vid-card. Maybe he needs to clean his pc or try some n1 gfx cooling :)
check gfx slot

remove + move in again...
gfx problem, had the same.
thans mate how did you solve it
bought a new vid-card and everything was fine.

found out later that the old one was still working and my mom is using it now.

But i would take it out and clean the ven a bit or something just incase and then put it back in and hope everythings fine.
reinstall the drivers or try another gfx card. That only happens with css or with other d3d games? What if you try some opengl game (et/q3?)?
Hey mates.

I'm the guy..

It's not only while play CS:S, but basically it's when graphic is needed. But it can pop up anytime.

I will try to do what you said, remove it or try to clean it. In fact that doesn't work, I'll buy a new one.

Thanks for your time and help

- Doz
It is not clocked mate. And I have never had such problems, so I can't believe it's overheating. But yeh, you might know it better than me.

- Doz
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